Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mr. Clean

Yes, as in CANCER-FREE. So unbelievably happy to report that Chris got a phone call from Dr. McCoy canceling his Friday appointment. He said that there was no need to bother--everything looked great on his PET scan and he was definitely done with chemo. I am sorry that it has taken me until Tuesday to post, but we were busy celebrating! Chris rejoiced with his sistahs over the phone and with his parents in person Thursday night. Friday night we celebrated without kids but with the Roberts (and takeout from taqueria and margaritas para mi). It was actually nice to hear Chris and Brittany talk Tennessee football (for me--not Harrison) instead of about cancer-stuff. Saturday we attempted to campout with a few families from the 'hood...and as Hans said, "It didn't rain on our parade, but it sure did rain on us."

Here we are about three months later and more or less on the other side of things. (Chris will have radiation as "insurance"-more on that when we get the schedule). And weirdly enough (it drives Chris crazy when I use bizarre adverbs), this has been the most difficult message to post. This is my fourth attempt--too many emotions, I guess. We are thrilled, humbled, grateful, and exhausted. A lot has happened in those three months--for us and in the lives of those whom we love. We have watched friends say goodbye to loved ones and we have welcomed new life and new family members. Everything--both good and bad--has just been more intense.

I think we are still working on our take-away message (or at least I am), but as Chris said, "Anytime you have a life changing experience and live to tell about it...it's a good thing." We are truly grateful for the gifts of faith, family and friends that kept us together. It is going to be a great summer.

Much love to you all--Katherine, Chris and kids

our FAVORITE quote,
"Chris, you kept your hair but lost your Hodgkins." Dr. Frank McCoy