Several folks have asked about the kids. They are doing great. They know about the "marble" in Chris's neck since he has a really cool battle scar where it was removed. We told them that the doctors didn't like what they saw. Next, that they were going to take a picture of Dad's body to see if there were any more "rotten spots"-Janie or "enemy invaders"-Tate. Gotta know your audience. Told them about the spots/storm troopers that they found and that the doctor would come up with a battle plan for getting rid of them. Janie went back to coloring and Tate wanted to know more. So, we talked briefly about the zapper/radiation ("Like in Captain Underpants? Yes, a lot like Captain Underpants") and cancer bullets in the form of chemo. They were both curious as to how they could be soldiers in Dad's army. We said that the most important way was to be "prayer warriors". They also enjoy helping fix Dad's fighting food--they are really into making him smoothies in the blender. I was tempted to add that they could also pick up legos, feed the dog, grade papers, etc.
So, our kids have a fruit salad/Star Wars/C. Underpants version of what is going on. Not sure that my understanding is that much better. We are trying to take their lead--talk about it when they want to and make things as "normal" as possible the rest of the time. Much more interesting topics include Janie's Fancy Nancy b'day party on Sunday and the advent of real chickens at the farm on Monday (thanks to crazy cousins T and Harmonica). We'll attempt to post photos documenting both. (Bart???)
Have a good weekend--Love, Katherine
*Chris will say too much info, but for those of you (and there are a lot) who act as spare parents/other mothers--I thought it was important for you to know what was said. Plus, he doesn't know how to log in to edit the blog.
Also, wanted to clear up a couple of things:
1. Please don't think that we set up the blog to keep y'all from calling, e-mailing, texting, sending smoke signals, etc. We both love hearing your messages and reading your just relieves the pressure of having to respond in a timely fashion.
2. Y'ALL can swear all you want. Quite frankly, I feel that it is appropriate. Chris is just trying to rein me in since his grandparents will be reading this.
Speaking of swearing, MLaura's mother (a lovely, steel magnolia from Augusta, GA) had the quote of the week:
"If you have to have one of those bastards, that's the one to get."