Wednesday, February 25, 2009

here goes

We're going to give this a try.  It is supposed to be easy (I'm sure we'll need computer help) and it will be a quick way to get info to those who care about Chris (and it's free, Chris). He has given me certain parameters (which I may or may not stick to) but we'll see how it goes.  He did say not to be too serious--thus the title. 
Chris had a lymph node removed 2 weeks ago.  They did a biopsy and it turns out that he has Hodgkin's Lymphoma.  He had his CAT scan Tuesday.  It looks like there are 3 other smallish tumors in his upper chest, but we will have to wait for official results early next week.  We are encouraged by all that we read and hear about Hodgkin's and especially uplifted by stories of folks who have been through it and moved on to being worn out by normal things like kids and work.  

We are grateful for all of the prayers, thoughts, war-cries and "cancer coaching" that we have received already.  You have filled needs before we have even asked, made us laugh and made us feel loved.  

We are gearing up to kick this thing in the @#$ (I am also not supposed to swear).  
Much love, 

Katherine and Chris (who is rolling his eyes and reading over my shoulder)


  1. Kath, setting up a blog! You are getting to be a technical master.

    Thanks for the update. Smallish tumors today, GONE TOMORROW. I am all about the "gearing up to kick this thing in the @#$" and I know you/he/chemosabe can do it.

    Keep us posted and let us know if you need anything at all.

    See you soon.


  2. Chris and Katherine - Thank you so much for the update! Please let us know if we can do anything at all. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. The Freers

  3. Chris and Katherine,
    I'm so sorry to hear that you guys are going to have to go through this, but I'm glad that you'll keep us up to date on Chris' progress. We'll be thinking about you in Colorado and pulling for a quick and easy recovery.

    I want you guys to know that I know two people who kicked lymphatic hodgkin's in the arse. (Swearing in 'British' doesn't count, does it?) My boyfriend in high school was fully cured within six months of his diagnosis and at that time we found out that a friend from high school's dad had had it years earlier. His had apparently spread to his groin, but we had never heard about it because it had become such a non-event for them -- he'd had it shortly after he was married and went on to have three kids, etc. That must have been about forty years ago now....

    Best of luck to both of you and we hope to be able to see you some time soon.

    We miss you!

  4. Hey guys,
    Meg and I are here for you both in any way you need us to be. Please, please let us know. We will have all of you in our prayers.
    Rod and Meg

  5. Just as long as he doesn't park Silver in the front yard, right?

    We'll keep the entire tribe in our prayers.


  6. Chris and Katherine - Thanks for letting us know. Sounds like you have the right people in place to knock this out! We'll be praying for your complete healing and for His blessings on your entire family throughout this journey.
    Much love, The Shores

  7. Chris and Katherine-please know that you have a cheering section in Nashville. We are praying quietly,but screaming loudly for your recovery, Chris. I know you will kick this thing and at the same time sorry you have to go through it. We love you all as you are our family also. Keep your spirits up and your attitude positive and all will be well. I just know it!!! God be with you.
    Love, Kathy

  8. Our thoughts and prayers are with y'all. We have been thinking of you lots as we've stepped out into the adventure of parenthood- you're our model family! We're biting our thumbs in the face of these tumors also. Love to the whole family.

  9. Chris and Katherine, We are here for you 100% and will be thinking of you every step of the way. Chris, take this thing down to Chinatown.

    Amy and Joey Dudek

  10. Katherine, I think this is such a GREAT idea and you are doing a fabulous job!!! Please let the King/Staton/Hastings Clan know if you need anything.

    Love to all,

    Emmy Staton

  11. Chris & Katherine,
    I'm sure you are getting the very best counsel available. If you are looking for more, we have two good friends here in Atlanta you both gave Hodgkins the crippler crossface before finishing it off with a good old fashioned pile driver, and I'm sure they'd welcome the opportunity talk about their victory.

    Geoff Graham

  12. Chris and Katherine,
    News travels fast in Memphis, of course. Just know that you have lots of people in your corner here! I work at St. Jude, so I am armed with tons of Hodgkin success stories. Let me know if you ever want to hear any!

    Catherine "HTH" Higdon
