Friday, April 24, 2009

short and sweet

Two things not usually associated with me. Chris went in for his last round of chemo yesterday. It was pretty crowded and loud--so he tuned out the best he could with the ipod, Tutu read and I didn't grade papers. Home again, zonked out, woke up to say hi to the kids and devour food from the Lindas. (Mrs. Daniel provided lunch and Mrs. Milligan brought dinner!) Dr. McCoy is impressed that he has been able to keep his weight up and I'm grateful that I don't have to weigh in at visits. Thanks to all for fattenning us up!

Chris is back in a chemo-coma for a few days. His 3rd round was his "best" so far...maybe this one will beat it (not planning on a round 5). Thanks for all of your prayers, concern, comfort and innapropriate humor (you know who you are!) I'll update again asap. My kids are taking a quiz right now...back to mean-teacher-mode.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


OK. Round 3 was today and it went pretty well. Jenny (the angel-oncology nurse from across the pond) wasn't there...someone let her go on Spring Break, but we had Miss Shay (the gospel -singing nurse) and she was very good. I think that Chris expected to be relieved, excited, fired up or something after he finished his second round two weeks ago. It was easy to think of the half-way mark as such a big milestone, but all he could think was--I HAVE TO DO ALL OF THAT AGAIN. AGHHHH!

So, being 3/4 of the way done seems to be a better moment to celebrate...not that he's up for kicking his heels just yet. He does, however, seem to be pretty "up" about things for someone who spent the day in the Infusion Center.

Maybe it was the collective fit that we threw last week (his at home, mine on-line). I keep thinking about when our kids lose it. When Tate really comes unglued (not that often anymore), we generally step over him until he is finished and then we ask him, "Did that make the situation better or worse?" You know, in that annoying parentese tone. And he always answers, "Worse. I should have handled it differently." Typical first-born response and we come away from the situation smug and eager to replace Dr. Spock. We no longer ask Janie the same question because her answer is, "I don't know, but it made me FEEL much better." Huh. That is all we have to say in response to our daughter on many occasions. And yes, maybe there is something to the whole fit-throwing thing.

Maybe his spirits are up because he was home alone and able to recharge for a few days. He invited his buddies to cash in on the "cancer card" (hurry, guys--it will be expiring soon) in the form of golf on Sunday and steak night on Tuesday. He even managed to squeeze in dinner before the basketball finals (sorry, Bruce!) while the kids and I were out of town. Don't feel bad for us--we headed to LA (Lower Alabama) and played on the beach while my Mom took care of all three of us. I was a sloth, she was a saint, and it was wonderful. (We even got to catchup with our Crazy Cajun friends who moved to Fair Hope, AL--the kids had a blast!)

Maybe his improved outlook is due to the fact that Dr. McCoy called him the "poster boy for chemo" today. His stats are all stellar--white blood cell count, weight is still up, something about some platelets...and the boy is still holding on to his hair! I say it is because he is so stubborn, the kids say that he is part Wookiee.

No maybe about it...we know that having y'all as part of TEAMOSABE definitely helps. (Phrase coined by the Monday-Night- Margarita-VBall team). Thanks for all of your love--in the form of prayer, food, notes, knock-knock jokes, new music (who knew Marcel was such a punk rock follower?) and the awesome limited (we are not doing this again) edition Chemosabe bracelets from fantabulous sistahs, Lindley and Susannah. Thanks to Chief for dealing with our lemon-of-a-car today, too. And I almost forgot--a special war cry out to Tonto Shonto, our newest follower.

God is good and everyone is asleep--Hallelujah!
Much love, Katherine and Chris

-Quote of the week-
"I know what's wrong with have cancer. I guess I just suck."
Parker Gilbert on the 1st hole