Friday, April 24, 2009

short and sweet

Two things not usually associated with me. Chris went in for his last round of chemo yesterday. It was pretty crowded and loud--so he tuned out the best he could with the ipod, Tutu read and I didn't grade papers. Home again, zonked out, woke up to say hi to the kids and devour food from the Lindas. (Mrs. Daniel provided lunch and Mrs. Milligan brought dinner!) Dr. McCoy is impressed that he has been able to keep his weight up and I'm grateful that I don't have to weigh in at visits. Thanks to all for fattenning us up!

Chris is back in a chemo-coma for a few days. His 3rd round was his "best" so far...maybe this one will beat it (not planning on a round 5). Thanks for all of your prayers, concern, comfort and innapropriate humor (you know who you are!) I'll update again asap. My kids are taking a quiz right now...back to mean-teacher-mode.


  1. So glad the rounds of poison are over.

    Love and Prayers to you all,


  2. Best report yet.


  3. May this be the end of the story. Thinking about you guys all the time and sending lots of love and prayers your way. Thanks for your wonderful updates...helps us be a part of this journey from afar.

    Will talk soon.

    Much love,
    The Poags

  4. The Willis' are sending positive thoughts and vibes. We know we will see you back on top of the mountain soon.

  5. Keep it up!!
    You are doing great.

  6. I just heard the news about Chris yesterday through my family. I just wanted to let your family know I will be thinking good thoughts and praying for you as well. I look forward to keeping up with your blog and hearing lots of good news in the near future.

    Rusty Prudhon

  7. Chris and Katherine:
    Just got the link from Russ and we're floored by the news. Just hate that you all are having to deal with this (I wish I had a better word but none printable come to mind). From reading your posts we are amazed at your strength and faith. Although news travels slow up here, prayers go very quickly in God's Big Orange Country so we've taken your cue and are adding ours to the list. Thanks for keeping us up to date with the blog. Love,
    Carrie and Ed Lancaster

  8. Hope you'll enjoy your summer will wind down. I'll be happy to meet you at the Soda Shop in D'son any time. We're living on the lake for 9 months, and will welcome guests to our petite abode...
    nancy t

  9. Just a word of encouragement for good reports and follow-up and a summer of R&R!
