Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Sorry that I haven't posted, but we have been enjoying a relatively "normal" stretch of time. The Friday-Sunday following chemo were pretty rough, but Chris worked Mon 10-4 and then the rest of the week he was back to a regular work schedule and able to help around the house.  I tend to cry at weird times--the latest being when I saw him taking the garbage to the street last week.  It was great to celebrate something so mundane...or maybe I just really don't like taking out the trash.  

On Wednesday night Chris attended a chemo kick-off party thrown by his partners.  He received a sweet mullet wig and stylish mustache as well...I think that Sean may be the one to thank/blame!  They even wrapped them in vintage Lone Ranger paper--nice touch.  Friday afternoon Miss Sherry gave Chris a buzz cut with the kids looking on and jeering and cheering.  They think that it is hilarious and I think he looks pretty darn good.  I have been asked if I will be shaving my head as a sign of solidarity--but let's be honest, only one person in this relationship is good-looking enough to pull off bald.  I would look like a 6 foot Q-tip.  

We then headed to Janie's first soccer game.  As I was muttering something to myself about the fact that kids shouldn't play sports until they can put on their own &%$# equipment...Janie had her own mantra going, "please let me be on the pink team-please let me be on the pink team."  We searched for the right field and coach and what do you know--the girl is on the pink team.  

We enjoyed the amazing weather over the weekend.  Three more soccer games (make-ups due to the rain last weekend) some real cajun cooking Saturday night, and we even got to see Maclaine (teenage niece) play soccer on Sunday.  Chris had been concerned about his allergies during all of this...Dr. McCoy said that one pleasant side effect of the chemo is that patients usually don't have to deal with allergy issues.  So, for the first time since I have known Chris (15 years...no comments, DT and J)--no sneezing this Spring.  At least not yet.  

Thank you all for prayers, food, laughter, words of encouragement and "the bottle of bourbon at the end of the tunnel" (it has a prominent place on the counter!)

Specific prayer requests right now would be for Chris's grandmother (Gigi) who just had surgery in Memphis and is still in the hospital and for Chris's parents Sue/Tutu and Bob/Chief.  They are taking this "sandwich generation" thing to a whole new level.  In the last month they have--gone to Missouri to help welcome Lindley's precious baby girl (and wear out her 2 older siblings), driven to TX to help Zanna and Jon relocate, been to Memphis to help with Gigi and in their spare time--they have been busy helping us!

**Things at work have really fallen into place (one of Chris's main concerns) as several cases have recently settled.  So, the quote of the week comes from Lee Welborn (one of Chris's partners).

"Chris, when God wants to clear your calendar...GOD WILL CLEAR YOUR CALENDAR!"



  1. ***Late Breaking News***
    Chief did buzz his head as a sign of solidarity...and while Tutu insists that it "wasn't that big of a sacrifice" we all agree that it's a good look!

  2. Thanks for the update. I would say that we need to see a picture of the new haircut up on the blog here for sure. Trying to picture it in my mind but just cant get there. At least not as easy as picturing a 6 foot Qtip.

    Really glad to hear things are going well. Keep it up and let me know if there is anything I can do.

    By the way Kath, you really have a future as a writer if you ever wanted to go that route. This stuff is great.

  3. I love you brother. I bet you and dad look great with the new haircuts.

    You really can write!

    Praying for you.

  4. Katherine! I found your blog from David's blog. I am praying and sending healthy, healing thoughts your way..


  5. Kat- Thanks for keeping us posted. YOu really are the best writer I know. It is unbelievable. Chris- Keep on fighting and I know that you will kick it's a**. Can't wait to see the cute hair cut. Hope to be up there soon!



  6. Prayers continue from Midtown Memphis, and we stand ready to do anything that might help Gigi. I second the motion to nominate Sue and Bob as sandwich heroes of the year!
    Stephanie Rodda
