Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Second Verse...a little bit worse than the first

So, half-way done with chemo at this point. I would love to report that we are doing some sort of tribal dance around the house to celebrate, but the truth is Chris has been feeling pretty sucky. (I don't think that counts as a curse word either--at least not a first-string, Varsity swear word.) I do, however, acknowledge that it lacks sophistication (or at the very least, creativity)...but it DOES seem to sum up how he's actually feeling.

He had round 2 on Thursday. An angel-like oncology nurse, Jenny, saved him from becoming a human VOODOO doll at the hands of another nurse. I won't call out the poor woman who tried to get things started, but I did fear for her life when she told Chris to go to his "happy place". Tutu and I just held our breath and Chris very calmly replied, "Well, it sure isn't here."

After Jenny took over, things went pretty well. The Infusion Center wasn't very crowded, so Chris could keep the "inmate talk" to a minimum. (That's what our friend, Ansley, calls it...you know, "What are you in for? How long have you got?") Back home Thursday afternoon and then he was pretty much in a chemo-coma until Monday. He did come out to enjoy some good eats and to verify the fact that his hair seems to be GROWING! Especially the ear hair-- and that was supposed to be one of the perks...huh.

So, we know that the good stuff far outweighs the bad, but he is just sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I think he was also in need of a break from being upbeat and positive and just wanted permission to be pissed. Permission granted...and he got mad for the first time. In case you were confused about real swear words--he held a seminar at home last night. I mean he really came up with some original and extremely entertaining combinations. Sims, you would have been proud.

He worked yesterday and made it to the kids' music performance last night. Janie had a speaking part and more importantly, her brother did not. I'm still not sure why anyone gave that girl a microphone, but she did well and was most pleased with herself.

So, today seems to be a better day. Chris is done being mad and we are back to being unbelievably thankful for family and friends. Thanks to those who continue: to pray (even when we are whining), to show up with amazing comfort food, to send hilarious cards/meaningful e-mails, to take care of our kids at a moment's notice and to appear at our back door with a carton of eggs, a 6 pack of toilet paper or a new kids' movie (man, did it rain this weekend!)

We are also grateful for a God who is big enough to handle our frustration, our praise, our flashes of understanding and more often, our befuddlement. (Sometimes all of the aforementioned at the same time).

Hope all is well with y'all. Please let us know what is going on with you and yours...after all, you know WAY more about what's happening at 179 Stewart than you probably bargained for.

Much love, Katherine and Chris

And Breakfast Fairy/B'fast Bandit who filled our freezer--THANK YOU and PLEASE identify yourself!!


  1. Kath,
    You have a got to write a book.
    I love you so much. We are praying and thinking about you.

  2. Not that you didn't before but I bet you now completely understand/feel THE shirt.

    Prayers and love always,


  3. Permission to be pissed I believe is very rightfully granted. I gotta think it helps to let it out a little bit!

    Half Way Home! Only Two Left... However you want to say it, you are almost done. And that is something to smile about.

    Kelley and I hope to see you guys soon.

  4. Thanks for the update. We sure missed you last night, but you were exactly where you needed to be. Still praying and ready to help when needed! Love you!

  5. So glad to have seen you guys in Atlanta - thanks for taking the time and making the HUGE effort to come, especially in light of the "suckiness."
    Hang in there...sending love from Chattanooga!
