Friday, March 6, 2009

Tutu's Turn

Katherine asked me a day or so ago if I would want to contribute to the blog since I spent most of Wednesday with Chris.  My first reaction was not concern over the days events but hesitation mainly centered on the fact that Kath is really a great writer!  She's able to convey their prayer concerns, events of their daily lives and the genuine love for all of you who are faithful to hold them up. The support and love and kindnesses are amazing.  I am sure that I speak for all the Harrisons when I say, "Muchas gracias."  See Katherine, I am fluent also!  Hope I don't lose any followers--she will return for the next post.

Wednesday Chris and I (both rule keepers) followed instructions to see a video for all patients at the center.  We searched for the fast forward button, but to no avail.  Thankfully, the nurse came in and rescued us not long afterwards. Lots of details about Chris's specific case were reviewed and we were given a tour of the treatment center.  The most important aspect of the visit was the bone marrow biopsy, the details of which only Chris can reveal.  It's not that I don't want to . . . it's just that I wasn't in there.  They escorted me to the "media" room and kept me occupied with Girl Scout cookies.  We were out of there by 12:30 and, of course, Chris went back to work. Our other companions, Katherine and Chief, had to work all day, so we filled them in at dinner.  Tate was especially impressed with his Dad's tales of the lab. More tests today, and then it's back to see Dr. McCoy on Monday.

To borrow Chris's words, we all sense the presence of prayer warriors and the soldiers who are walking along side and joining him in this battle.  I agree with Katherine; there is no greater gift than your prayers.  Thank you for the earthly signs you have become of our heavenly Father's love and faithfulness.  
"What a fellowship, what a joy divine, leaning on the everlasting arms..."

Tutu (aka Sue) Harrison


  1. Thanks to Tutu for the guest post. Great job.

    Looking for good news on Monday and the plan of attack to send this thing on a one way trip outta here.

    Kath, let me know if you need any help from the technical end.

    Talk to you guys soon.

  2. Tutu,
    Aren't we thankful that God knows the big picture? He has you and Chief just where you're needed--right here in Marietta--what a blessing for everyone! Lifting each of you up in prayer daily.
    The Mafia is chomping at the bit for an assignment (or 2 or 3). Looking forward to Monday's report--love you! Allison

  3. Mom- great job posting.
    Chris- Praying for you brother.


  4. Dear Katherine, I've been trying to send a comment on your thoughtful blog, but, for some reason, my computer just won't send it. I want you to know that Jim and I are holding your whole sweet family in our thoughts. If anybody can handle this time it is you guys. Katherine, you come from "strong stock," -- you can draw on that strength now. And, from what I hear of Chris, he is a "super hero" in the flesh. I did want to tell you about my 63 year old cousin who is getting ready to adopt his second baby with his new young wife. He was diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma as a young man and has been disease free for 40 years. That sounds good to me. Take care of yourself and let your mom be a help to you, as if you could stop her. We will hold you in our hearts.
    Love, Wendy Z
    (aka Wendella)

  5. Sue, you are too modest about your writing skills. While teaching middle and high school students, you polished your own considerable skills. My father still talks about his assurance of being sustained by prayer when a broad network of people prayed him through West Nile virus. Now I am honored to join so many others as we pray Chris and his family through Hodgkins. Hey! Who would have thought we would ever be blogging a few years ago when we could barely manage to post our grades online!

  6. Tell Sue that she did a great job. You both are so eloquent and funny that I am reluctant to write a sentence. After having been with Jane for 5 days I feel very "up" on the events but I wanted you all to know that I've been praying for you since day one when Jane emailed me. I just have a good feeling (muchly due to the very positive attitude and strong faith of your family) that this treatment will be very effective and that you will be 100% healed. I can't wait for the day that I get that email from Jane and she tells me that you are cancer free.

    I have tried to blog to you before with no result but I enlisted Scott's help and I hope that this comes through. I'm sure it is an age thing. I am probably the oldest person on the blog.

    I know God will take care of all of you and this will be past history before you know it. My prayers are with you all.

    Love, Patty Thomas (Scott's mom)
